Prayer Times
Fajr | 06:10 AM | 06:30 AM |
Duhr | 01:02 PM | 01:35 PM |
Asr | 04:13 PM | 04:30 PM |
Maghrib | 06:42 PM | 06:52 PM |
Isha | 07:52 PM | 08:15 PM |
Jumu’ah Times
1st Shift | 12:15 PM |
10/11-Speaker: Mohammed Hannini-Topic: Guided Engagement | |
2nd Shift | 1:30pm |
10/11-Speaker: Tysseer Harak-Topic: Escapism | |
3rd Shift | 03:30 PM |
10/11-Speaker: Ammar Ayesh-Topic: When Our Worlds Are Shaken: Finding Strength in "Beautiful Places" |
Upcoming Events
InShaa Allah in preparation for the upcoming elections and to get the Muslim community to meet running candidates, there will be (2) candidate forums this week at MYCC, Saturday October 5th after Zuhr prayers and Wednesday October 9th at 6 pm. October 5th is for NC Superintendent of Education and Raleigh City Council, and October 9th will be for US Congress District (2) inShaa Allah.
Please register your attendance at MAPAC website and make your voice heard.