Sunrise : 07:10 AM    Sunset : 07:32 PM
Sunrise : 07:10 AM    Sunset : 07:32 PM

Girls Scout

Girl Scout – Troop 4438
MYCC Girl Scout Troop 4438 is a Muslim Faith based multi-level Girl Scouting program for girls from K-12th grade running for the past 5 years. MashaAllah we have grown from a group of 12 girls to 45. This troop is managed by Troop Leader Sr. Sarah Quadri and Sr. Mageda Almontaser with other section leaders for the six different levels. These levels include:

Daisies (Kindergarten-1stgrade)
Brownies (2nd-3rd grade)
Juniors (4th – 5th grades)
Cadettes (6th – 8th grades)
Seniors (9th – 10th grades)
Ambassadors (11th – 12th grades)

MYCC Troop 4438’s mission is to create a supportive environment where girls can realize their full potential as a Muslimah and a citizen of her Raleigh/Triangle community, thereby building girls of courage, confidence and character who make the world a better place. Together with the support and involvement of committed helpful parents, adult mentors, and our wonderful MYCC community Troop 4438 is devoted to helping grow its Muslim Scouts strong.

Our girls work on Girl Scout and Islamic badges, pray together, go camping, trips, work on higher awards, and volunteer. For more information please contact Sr. Sarah Quadri via email

You can find our more information on our North Carolina Coastal Pines Girl Scout Council and about Girl Scouts on